Here is our first introduction to the long awaited Wyatt Holcomb Browning born on August 2, 2013 and weighing a measly 8.0 lbs.
The loves of my life
From then on it was pretty much a blur although I have to say the 2nd c-section recovery went a lot better than the first but that is probably because I was forced into activity by the fact that Wyatt lost 13 ounces of weight and was seriously jaundiced by the time we went for his 3 day check up. I felt like a SERIOUS failure because Gavin had not lost a single ounce when he went back and had no jaundice whatsoever. So the next week and a half were spent with extra, extra feedings, pumping in between and somehow managing to fit hospital checkups and getting Gavin to school in between all of that. Praise the Lord that Wyatt was such a good sleeper so that we could catch 15 - 30 minutes of sleep every 2.5 hours.
After that life slowed down considerably for...2 weeks until we packed up the new family and headed to Virginia to visit La-la. As crazy as it seems and believe me I thought I had lost my ever loving mind, the trip went spectacularly Wyatt and Gavin were angels on the driving trip that took 2 days and we all managed to get a decent amount of sleep while all staying in the same room! The Lord was most definitely at work!!
The three weeks after that passed by quicker than I thought humanly possible and on the day before Wyatt turned 8 weeks old, I returned to work.
Oh and we managed to fit in a newborn/family session with the super talented Ramsey Revell Photography and some of my favorites are below:
So.... last week Wyatt turned 2 months old and I can hardly believe it. He has fit into our family almost seamlessly. Don't get me wrong, trying to get two kids out the door is much more difficult than one but having two sweet boys to love on everyday has more than made up for the extra chaos. Of course the poor lady who cleans our house may not agree :).
Anyway I digress. At two months Wyatt is smiling a lot, cooing up a storm and has slept through the night from 8:30 to 6 since September 26th. Although this week he has been waking up at 4 again. He is eating 6 ounces of mixed breast milk and formula at 6 am, 10 am, 2 pm, 6 pm and 8 pm.
He had his 2 month checkup with shots :-( yesterday which we all survived, barely.... And his stats are as follows:
Weight - 11 lbs 11 oz 50th percentile
Length - 23 1/4 in 50th percentile
Head - 14 in 20th percentile
He is SOOO much smaller than Gavin it isn't even funny! Gavin's stats at his 2 month check up were:
Weight - 14 lbs - 90th percentile
Length - 24 in - 75th percentile
Head Circumference - 16 in - 50th percentile
And this is a picture of Gavin