Thursday, March 11, 2010

31 wks and 3 days

I first typed my title as 39 wks and 3 days :-). I wish!!! Not much news to report other than I am sure I am further along than 31 wks for several reasons 1. I am huge 2. Gavin seems to be hitting the milestones on all of those pregnancy calendars way early 3. My original due date was 4/28. Plus I just REALLY, REALLY want it to be so. I went to the Dr. yesterday and I have nothing new to report other than I will finally get another ultrasound next Thursday. Hopefully then I will be put out of my due date misery one way or the other.

My last appointment since I was having so many contractions, they put me on the fetal monitor and we got to listen and watch Gavin bounce around my belly and actually move the monitors around, it was funny although I did not have one single contraction the entire time that I was hooked up to that stupid thing. They also did some kind of swab called a fetal fibronectin test which is supposed to tell with a 99% accuracy if you will go into labor within the next two weeks. Well obviously it was correct this time because I'm still at work! The whole terrible contraction thing did scare my bosses enough to cut back my hours from 55+ to max 40 so that made me VERY happy!!

I have had two wonderful baby showers in the past two weeks and have my last one on Sunday. I am so thankful for all my friends, family and co-workers who have made these SO special. We went to the store last night and bought paint for the nursery so hopefully when I post my pictures next week you will see the nursery in its correct color. We are also ordering our crib and other furniture this week, thanks to all of the generous gift cards we received last weekend. So please pray for our marriage because I am sure we might have a discussion or two during the putting together process of that and the pack in play :-).

That's all for now, hopefully have some more news next week!!

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