Monday, June 27, 2011

Cute pictures random Friday

I finally remembered to bring my camera to work and download my pictures a week or so ago.  I could easily download them to Clay's laptop, but for my super organized (some would use other words like anal) personality, it suits me best to have all my pictures in one place, on my computer.  So these pictures may be almost a month old but they are cute none the less.  On another note, I have lots more cute pictures from the past week but again they are still on the stupid camera, which I actually took out of my purse this morning, right before I left for work!!

These pictures are all from a random Friday afternoon/evening early this month.

Gavin's t-shirt is listing out Toddler Property Rules, Clay found it when we went to Jacksonville.  It is really cute although not exactly the lessons we want him to be learning.  There are 10 rules:
1. If it's in my hands, it's mine
2. If I can take it from you, it's mine
3. If I had it for a little while, it's mine
4. If it's mine, it must never appear to be yours in any way.
5. If I am building or doing something, all the pieces are mine
6. If it looks just like mine, it's mine
7. If you left it at my house, it's mine
8. If I saw it first it's mine.
9. If you have something and you put it down, it automatically becomes mine.
10. If I can take it from you it's mine.

Like I said, cute, but not good life lessons.

We must have been watching some nature movie on Netflix or possibly Sesame Street, because he isn't looking at the camera in one single picture I have!

These are pictures of bath time the same night. I know this is a typical Mom thought, but honestly I think I have the cutest little boy EVER!!  What a sweet little face!

Gavin has a bathtub basketball toy game and Clay and him play with it every night.  In the pictures, Clay is trying to get Gavin to "dunk" it.  

Missed this shot

Trying again


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